About Emotional Child Abuse And Neglect
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Executive summary about emotional child abuse by Brenda Hoffman
A child is emotionally abused if she or he is :
1. Undergoes serious emotional or physical neglect caused by omissions or acts of the children parents or other persons responsible for the children welfare. 2. Under the age 18
Psychological or emotional child abuse is the least understood and hardest to prove form of child abuse though. 1. Medical attention Absence
2. Inadequate physical care
3. Improper supervision
4. Inadequate medical care
6. Exposing the child to immoral or criminal influences that endanger his or her morals.
7. Unlawfully keeping the child out of school
8. Exploitation of the children earning capacity.
You must understand that any type of child abuse, such as physical or sexual abuse, can also involve emotional child abuse or neglect. 90% of the time, parents are responsible for committing child abuse, including emotional child abuse and neglect. Fathers and mothers are nearly equally responsible for committing emotional child abuse and neglect. The reasons why parents emotionally abuse their children are many and complex. Some common themes and traits that are found within most neglectful parents:
1. Unable to plan
2. Indifferent to their behavior toward their children
3. Lack knowledge about how to meet their children needs
4. Have had unhappy childhoods
5. Experiencing emotional or financial stress
6. Socially isolated and have few or no friends and little contact with relative.
The fact is unhappy parents project their day to day frustrations onto their children.