
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Child Abuse Statistic

Putting An End To Child Abuse
Executive Summary about Child Abuse Statistic by Mark Webb

Child abuse is definied as a non-accidental physical injury, physical neglect, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse.
child abuse prevention
Emotional abuse is a form of abuse which is often unaddressed by society. Sexual abuse involves the explanation of a child for the sexual gratification of an adult or other child.
It may involve using children to produce Pornographic materials. The statistics on child abuse are sky-high.
We know today that child abuse usualy develops into a pattern of behavior. The cycle can be broken.
Abusive parents and those who have been abused can get help. Most parents really love their children and they want to be better parents. Being the victim of abuse also leaves many scars, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Defining Child Abuse
Executive summary about child abuse statistics by Joseph Devine.

Abusing a child can be one of the worst things you can do to a child. Child abuse cases can become complicated quickly if you don't know all the details of what defines child abuse.
Child abuse is labeled as any physical, psychological, or sexual mistreatment of a child of any kind.
Statistics have proven that most child abuse that happens with children happens inside the home of the child.
With a child that is being abused, it can be hrd to tell if it trully is child abuse or if the child just has some type of behavioral problems.
Physical abuse is the last type of abuse which is defined as any violent behavior toward achild.
Physical child abuse usually leaves marks and scars on the child so it is usually easier for someone to detect on a child.

Protect Children From All Kinds of Child Abuse
Executive summary about Child Abuse Statistics by Armen Wilson

Children suffer from various kinds of abuse. Children are abused at very tender agages. Many people that rape is the only kind of abuse children can suffer. Yes, rape is just a form of emotional abuse.
There is abuse like physical, psychological that children are usually subjected to. It is so sad that statistics on the abuse of children is rising.
The abuse is not discriminative. All children are abused. Children of all reaces are under threat of abuse. About 4 children die per day from effects of abuse.
Children are the text generation. When children are abused, there is need to fight for justice.
The forms of abuse are usually correlated. Like when a child is physically abuse, it is likely that they will suffer emotional and psychological abuse as well.
We are all responsible for ensuring that the Child abuse statistics come down. The power and capacity of child abuse prevention is in your hands. Will you keep quite over evidence of children being abused ?


AADEW BLOG said...

Nice site and useful post. care for Xlink..?

Parenting Blog said...

Thanks for coming. I think we can do Xlink in the future..

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