
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Parenting Quick Challenge: Slow down

Avant Garde Parenting got its first blog award! 

A huge thanks to Is there a Doctor in the House? who bestowed this honor upon AGP- go visit and read about her precious daughter's first day at childcare- too funny!

The 'Cherry on Top' award asks that I answer the question, 'If you had the chance to go back and change one thing in your life, would you and what would it be?'

I'm not sure if this counts, but one thing I constantly work on is slowing down, breathing in, and savoring life. Stopping to smell the roses, so to speak. As a rule, I have two speeds: fast and faster. I'm always looking for the most efficient way to accomplish things, which has its merits, but can also cause events in my life to speed by without me having a chance to enjoy them. So if I could change one thing in my life, it would be to SLOW DOWN and enjoy it more. 

This is a good challenge for parents. With kids, we often feel rushed. Errands to run before lessons/practice, doctor's appointment at 2:15, need to put dinner in the oven by 4:00, homework finished by 7:30. And I'll be the first to admit: it's tough to make yourself slow down. But another tough realization is how crazy fast kids grow up. You know- you blink and they're teenagers. 

Slow. Down.

Take photos in your head. consciously make yourself remember moments in your children's lives. Write them in a journal. Capture them on film. Slow. Down. My guess is that you'll be glad you did.

So the challenge today: savor three moments. They can be with your kids, your husby, or yourself. 

Did it relax you? Put you in a good mood? Make you even more late for t-ball practice?

The 'Cherry on Top' award also asks me to choose 5 other blogs to give the award to. Not surprisingly, I chose parenting/mommy blogs. Here they are, described in three words each (not because I'm supposed to, I just like a challenge):

The Happy Holladays - witty. dogs. baby.

In the Kitchen with Audrey - cooking. kids. innovative.

The View from the Johnsons - hilarious. relatable. hilarious.

Lori's LOLz - homeschooling. inspirational. useful.

ag.gray.gate - family. eclectic. smiley.


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